Frequently asked questions about creating resume

Your resume will help potential employers determine if you are a good fit for open positions. There are several steps you can take to create a document that best communicates your qualifications.

If you already have a higher or secondary vocational education, indicate only that. School education is specified only if the person has no professional education.

Educational institutions are automatically sorted by the service in reverse chronological order.

If you have a specialized secondary or higher education, specify the following data in your CV:

  • Years of education.
  • Name of establishment.
  • Name of department.
  • Specialty acquired.

For example, "State University, 2010-2015, "Faculty of Information Technology", specialty "Architect of Information Systems".

Please note that the name of the institution should be specified in full, so that the employer's representative did not torment himself with the transcriptions of acronyms, and immediately saw the place of study. In some cases, the level of education - for example, master's or bachelor's degree - should be indicated.

Is it necessary to indicate additional education courses?
The presence of information about additional education indicates that the person has not just studied and went to work, but continued to develop. With the service you can indicate the courses you have taken in the "Courses and Certificates" section.

It is best if the job title matches the job description of the position for which you intend to apply.

It is considered best practice to make a separate resume for each position, matching key and business skills to it. The same goes for the position: one job, one resume with the position. Just rewrite the job titles from a job site or other source.

Sometimes people submit a resume without a job title because they don't know what jobs are available at the chosen organization - this is wrong, this field is required. Don't leave it blank unless you want your resume to be put aside.

Don't know what jobs are available at a particular company? Put the position you would like to work in on your resume:

  • Dairy foreman.
  • Plumber.
  • SMM manager.
  • Mobile compressor operator.
  • Vacuum furnace steelmaker.
  • Programmer (be sure to specify languages).
  • Senior salesman-cashier.
  • Sales assistant.
  • Loan officer.
  • Design engineer.
  • Structural welder.
  • System administrator.

Specifying the position, be guided by the profile of the enterprise. For example, dairy masters are only required at dairy plants, while stores may employ both sales consultants and loan officers. You can also search for vacancies at the selected company on the Internet.

In some cases, it will be important for your future employer to have recommendations from previous jobs. If this is the case, it is advisable to fill in the relevant section in advance with the name, contacts, title and organization of the person who gave you the reference. 

References from previous jobs show that you have had no conflicts with management, that you have performed your job duties diligently and that the employer is satisfied with your performance. Recommendations are usually asked for in the form of a "Recommendation Letter," which we recommend that you upload to any file sharing service (Dropbox, Yandex.Disk, Google.Disk) and attach a link to the recommendation to your resume. It is also necessary to ask permission to publish contacts of the person who gave you a reference and warn him/her that you are looking for a job and a new employer may call him/her to clarify some issues related to your work in the company.

We recommend that you include one to three references; this will make your candidacy stand out in the recruiter's eyes.

One of the most important columns is "Skills", because the recruiter looks through hundreds of resumes a day and starts reading this section. If your resume doesn't contain the key skills you want, they won't read your resume any further. Carefully look through list of key skills which is described in vacancy, it is better if you list all skills which are specified there. With our service you can also specify the level of possession of the skill, which shows the employer that you are able to subjectively assess your level.

The use of photography on a resume depends on cultural norms, the country you're looking for work in, and the industry. Here are a few things to consider before including a photograph on your resume:

  • Cultural differences. Some countries, such as Germany or France, traditionally include photos on resumes. In other countries, such as the U.S. or the U.K., it is not common practice and can lead to discrimination or misinterpretation of your candidacy.
  • Legislation. In some countries, such as the U.S., anti-discrimination laws prohibit employers from using photos to make hiring decisions. Including a photo on your resume in such cases can result in an employer simply ignoring your candidacy.
  • Industry. In some industries, such as acting, modeling, or television, photos are a must-have part of a resume. In other industries, especially technical and scientific fields, photos are usually not required and can detract from your skills and accomplishments.

If you choose to use a photograph on your resume, make sure it is professionally done and reflects an appropriate image. The photo should be neutral, with good lighting and backgrounds, and you should be dressed according to the standards of your industry. The website has ready-made resume templates that include the addition of a photo: Black and White Corporate, Oliva Accent, Simple White, Dark Minimalist, Cream Corporate, Trendy Soft

In general, before including a photograph on your resume, assess whether it will be helpful or, conversely, could hurt your job search. If you're unsure, it's best not to include a photo and focus on providing information about your education, work experience, and skills. If you choose not to add a photo to your resume, choose templates without a photo: MBA Minimal, MBA Modern, MBA New Wave, Classical Structure, Clear Lines, Creative Vibe.

The following information should be included in your resume to make it complete and attractive to potential employers:

  • Contact Information. Full name, email address, phone number, and, if desired, links to professional social networks such as LinkedIn.
  • Purpose or professional profile. A brief statement of your professional goals or qualifications. This can be a statement of your desired position or a general overview of your skills and experience.
  • Education. A list of degrees, diplomas or certificates earned, stating the institution, year of graduation and, if applicable, specialization.
  • Work experience. A list of places of employment, including position, company, start and finish dates, and a brief description of major responsibilities and accomplishments at each location.
  • Skills. A list of skills and competencies important to the desired position. This may include technical skills, languages, communication skills, etc.
  • Accomplishments and awards. Listing significant professional or academic accomplishments, awards, or recognitions that can highlight your qualifications and motivation.
  • Volunteering and community service. Mention experience volunteering or participating in community organizations if it is related to a desired position or can demonstrate your personal qualities.
  • Hobbies and interests. An optional section that may help an employer better understand your personality and interests outside of work.

Pay attention that the resume should be clear, concise and neatly formatted. Try to tailor your resume to the specific job, highlighting the most relevant skills and experience for the position.

There is certain information that it is not recommended to include on your resume to protect your privacy and focus the employer's attention on your qualifications:

  • Personal information. Avoid including age, marital status, religious beliefs, nationality, photo (if not required), or other information that could be a basis for discrimination.
  • Social Security number, passport and identification number. This information is confidential and could be used for fraud.
  • Irrelevant work experience. Do not include experience that is irrelevant to the desired position and does not demonstrate transferable skills.
  • References to references. This takes up valuable space on a resume and is usually not required at the initial selection stage. Instead, have a separate list of references' contacts that you can provide upon request.
  • Salary. Do not include a previous or expected salary on your resume unless it is explicitly stated in the requirements of the position. Salary questions are usually discussed later in the interview or negotiation.
  • Unprofessional language or slang. Resumes should be written in a formal style and without grammatical or spelling errors.
  • Negative statements about previous employers. This can give a negative impression of you as an undisciplined or conflicted employee.
  • False information. Never embellish or make up experience, skills or education. This can lead to disqualification or termination if the deception is uncovered.

Focus on relevant and current information that highlights your strengths and qualifications for the desired position.

At you will find templates that are ready and well-designed. To choose the one that's right for you, it's worth relying on more than just the visual design.Choosing the right resume template depends on several factors, such as your experience, the industry you're looking for a job in, and your strengths. 

A few guidelines for choosing a resume template:

  • Determine your experience. If you have little experience or have just graduated, consider the Dark Minimalist, Black and White Corporate or Cream Corporate templates. The space in the template is spread out so that your resume won't look empty.
  • Consider the industry. Depending on the industry and the role you're applying for, different resume styles may be more or less appropriate. For example, for creative industries, a resume with a custom design may be appealing Oliva Accent, Simple White and Trendy Soft templates would be appropriate here. For more conservative industries, such as finance or medicine, a more formal and strict style of Creative Vibe and Clear Lines templates will be appropriate.
  • Match your employer's requirements. Pay attention to the employer's requirements and look for a template that will help you meet those requirements. For example, if an employer asks for a resume with a specific structure, make sure the template you choose meets those criteria.
  • Readability and scannability. A good resume template should be easy to read and scan. Divide the information into logical sections, use clear headings and bullet points for easy reading. Avoid overloading your resume with graphics or too small a font. Easy and simple templates: Classical Structure, MBA Minimal, MBA Modern, MBA New Wave.

To do this, go to My Resumes, select the resume you want, and click "Edit". In the Resume Builder, go to the bottom of the page and click on "Change Template". The resume on the new template will download automatically in PDF format.

At, resumes can be downloaded in PDF format. 

Providing resumes in PDF format has several advantages over other formats such as Word (.doc, .docx) or text files (.txt). Here are a few reasons why PDF is the preferred format for resumes:

Retention of formatting. The PDF format retains the original formatting of the document, including fonts, sizes, indents, and placement of elements. This ensures that your resume looks the same on all devices and platforms, and the employer sees it the way you designed it.

  • Versatility. PDF is a widely used and supported format that can be opened on any computer, tablet or smartphone. Most modern operating systems and email readers have built-in tools for viewing PDF files.
  • Tamper-proof. PDF files are harder to change or edit than Word or text files. This means that your resume will be less susceptible to accidental or intentional changes once it's sent.
  • Smaller file size. PDF files tend to be smaller than Word files or even text files with the same content. This makes it easier to email resumes and makes it less likely that your email will be rejected due to exceeding the attachment size limit.
  • Professional look. The PDF format looks more professional and formal compared to other file formats. This can create a more favorable impression of you with a potential employer.

For these reasons, providing a resume in PDF format is a good practice and can improve your chances of success in your job search.

Resumes created at are stored until you delete them. This is convenient because at any moment you can come back and edit your resume.

If you have any problems or questions, please contact [email protected]. We are constantly trying to improve our service, so we will also welcome your feedback and suggestions.

Yes, you can delete your resume. To do this, go to My Resumes, select the desired resume and click "Delete Resume".

Free resume templates on the site are marked as Free. 

To unlock the Basic, Advanced and Professional templates and get additional features you need to pay a nominal fee.

Sample cvgun resume is a great source of inspiration and a useful tool when writing your own resume. Here’s how to do it:

  1. In the Samples section, find a sample resume that matches your industry or position. Click "Edit this example".
  2. Study the structure and sections. Pay attention to the sections that are used in the sample, such as contact information, candidate brief description, education, work experience, skills and additional information.
  3. Adapt content. Use the pattern as a template, but adapt content to match your experience and skills. Describe your achievements, responsibilities and characteristics of previous positions. Focus on the keywords and phrases in the vacancy announcement.
  4. Update the skills section. Highlight your strengths and key skills that match the proposed position. You can add skills that are missing from the sample but are relevant to your industry.
  5. Check spelling and grammar. Errors can create a negative impression of you as a candidate.
  6. Personalize your design. Select one of the suggested Templates from cvgun.
  7. Save your resume in PDF format to save formatting and prevent changes.
  8. Ask for feedback. Discuss your resume with friends, colleagues or professional consultants. They can offer tips on improving its content or formatting.

Update your résumé as your career progresses. Update your résumé regularly, adding new experiences, education, skills and achievements. This will make it easier to prepare for new job applications and allow you to always be ready for career opportunities.

We are doing our best to cover the maximum number of vacancies in our sample résumés, but we understand that some candidates may not find the perfect match. In such cases, you can choose a sample resume focused on similar work in the same industry or take the advice What data should be included in the summary. In addition, you can go directly to our Online Constructor resume, in which the proposed to fill in the fields themselves are a hint of what information should be included in the resume.

Providing false information about yourself is a big downside. Recruiters and recruitment managers, drawing on previous experience, will immediately notice this. This situation is gonna ruin your chances of getting an interview. We strongly recommend that you write your résumés individually based on personal experience.

All our CV examples can be freely used. To make it even easier to copy the information from the samples, we put it at the bottom of each page of the professions. You can study as many examples as you need to make a perfect resume.

The length of the CV depends on the applicant’s experience and career, but in most cases it is recommended to stick to one or a maximum of two pages. It is important to present their achievements, experiences and skills in a concise, clear and concise manner, focusing on those aspects that are most relevant to the desired position.

If you have a lot of experience or you are looking for a job in the academic or scientific field, you may need a more detailed resume (CV), which can take several pages. However, in most cases, employers prefer a short and concise summary that is easy to read and quickly understand.

Career changes and gaps in your resume may raise questions for your employer, but they can be presented in a positive light, focusing on your professional growth and development. Here are some tips on how to do it:

  1. Functional summary. Instead of a chronological summary where the experience is presented in chronological order, choose a functional format that focuses on skills and achievements. This will help to emphasize your adaptive and portable skills without focusing on gaps or career changes.
  2. Explain the gaps. If you have a gap in your employment, please include your reasons in your cover letter or in the "More information" section of your CV. For example, you could be engaged in professional development, working on your own projects or taking care of a family member.
  3. Emphasize the link between careers. Even if your previous career seems unrelated to the new one, try to find intersections in skills, knowledge and experience that may be useful for a new role. Explain how your experience and skills can be applied to the new position.
  4. Education and additional courses. If you have received training related to a new career, be sure to indicate it in your resume. This will show your interest and desire to develop in a new field.
  5. Participation in volunteer projects. If you have participated in volunteer projects or non-profit organizations related to the new field, be sure to mention this on your resume. This will show your initiative and desire to develop in a new area.

It is important to present career transitions and summary gaps as opportunities for growth and development, rather than as shortcomings. Convincingly explain your decisions and focus on your strengths, demonstrating your willingness and ability to successfully address new challenges.

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